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Session Enrollment is September 3rd - May 31st.

2024-25 Schoolyear Schedule

Adult Open Gym

2:00 - 3:15



With Sonya

3:30 - 4:55 PM

Performance Co

With Sonya

5:00 - 6:55 PM

Soar over 30

With Sonya

7-8:15 PM




With Sam

3:30 - 4:25 PM


Tuesday Dolphin

With Sam

4:30 - 5:55 PM

TuesdayTeen (mixed level)

With Sonya

6:00 - 7:25 PM

Beginners welcome!


Early Narwhal

With Sonya

2:00 - 3:25 PM


Sea Otter

With Sonya

3:30 - 4:25 PM



With Sonya

4:30 - 5:55 PM

Late Apprentice

With Sonya

6:00 - 7:25


Fledgling Flyers

with Maia

9 AM - 9:45 AM

Open Gym

1:30 - 3:15 PM


A2 at A3

With Sonya +

3:30 - 4:15 PM

Early Apprentice

With Sonya

4:30 - 5:55 PM


With Sonya

6 - 7:25 PM


Soar over 30

With Sonya

10:15-11:30 AM


With Maia

1:30 - 2:25 PM

Dolphin -Narwhal

With Maia & Sam

3:30 - 4:55 PM

Friday Teen

(mixed level)

With Sam

5:00 - 6:25 PM

Company Aerial Technique

With Maia & Sam

6:30 - 7:55 PM



With Sonya

9 AM - 9:55 AM



With Sonya 

10 AM - 10:55 AM

Open Gym

12-2 PM

Available for Party

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM


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 The monthly tuition is the average of 9 months of classes, divided equally (regardless of 2 or 5-week months). Autopay can be set up on your account online, for your convenience. A3 offers priority for registration and financial aid to those students from historically marginalized communities.


45 Minute Classes

55 Minute Classes

70-75 Minute Classes

85 Minute Classes

115 Minute Classes














Trial Class

Open Gym Punch Card

$100, 10 punches


Private Lessons

$60-80/hour 1-2 people

$20/per person 3+ people

Our excellent teaching staff is available for pod classes and privates.

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The tuition installments are the average of 9 months of classes divided equally (regardless of 2 or 5-week months), and billed at the beginning of the month. Autopay can be set up on your account online, for your

convenience. A3 offers priority for registration and financial aid to those students from historically marginalized communities.


45 Minute Classes

55 Minute Classes

70-75 Minute Classes

85 Minute Classes

115 Minute Classes














Trial Class

Open Gym Punch Card

$100, 10 punches


Private Lessons

$60-80/hour 1-2 people

$20/per person 3+ people

Our excellent teaching staff is available for pod classes and privates.



Parent Child Play
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Parent Child Play is an opportunity for parents and toddlers (ages 1-2.5) to swing, roll, balance and frolic together. Parents will be guided in the safety of each station and then it is time to explore! Drop-ins are welcome to this class. 

Prerequisites: none. 

A white, female bodied pregnant coach assists a small young white child to place their feet in the loops of aerial straps
Flegling Flying
Three female bodied aerial students, age 3, skip in a circle holding hands
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Thursday 9-9:45 AM


Fledgling Flying (ages 1-3) encourages our little ones to expand their capacity on foot and get safely off the ground through skill mastery and fun. While balancing, crawling, climbing, swinging and spinning, we use 5 levels of cognition (thought naming, describing, comparing, analyzing and abstracting) to meet your preschooler where they are developmentally to assure success.  Enhancing their self esteem and furthering their development as an individual. Parents are invited to stay and will be guided how to safely assist their child as they master new skills and play. 

Prerequisites: none. 

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Friday 1:30-2:25

With Maia


Chickadee (ages 3.5-5) is a safe first introduction to flying and creative movement. Caregivers are encouraged to participate in the first half of class to learn safety on the equipment, then step back during the guided play on the equipment in the second half.

Prerequisites: None. 

4 students, ages 4-5, perform in black leotards with silver stars. Two of them perch on trapezes while two others support them from the ground.
Two white aerial students, about age 6, high five each other. One is hanging upside down on a trapeze while the other stands on the ground, and both are smiling and laughing.
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Tuesday 3:30 - 4:25

With Sam


Hummingbird (5-6 years) is the beginning aerial class for our youngest school-age flyers. Games, creative movement, strength and skill building are combined for a safe and fun entrance to aerial apparatus.

Prerequisites: none. 

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Saturday 9 - 9:55

With Maia


Swallow (7-8 years) allows slightly older beginners to be challenged while still focusing on the joy of aerial play. Creative movement guides our introduction to skills and sequences on  silks, trapeze, rope, and hoop.

Prerequisites: none. 

A young female bodied student leans with her belly on an aerial sling, wearing a galaxy printed leotard.
Two white female bodied students perform on aerial silks. Each are wrapped in such a way that their left leg extends out behind them in an adagio.
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Saturday 10 - 10:55

With Maia


Heron  (9-11 years) is the perfect place for your older elementary student to get through the awkward beginnings and find the fun in the air. Building strength through skills and sequences on silks, trapeze, hoop and rope, students are supported and challenged.

Prerequisites: none. 

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A2 at A3

Thursday 3:30 - 4:15 PM

With Sonya, Susan and more


A2 at A3 is Ashland Aerial Art's adaptive aerial class, structured and staffed to support youth living with disabilities that prevent them from participating in our other afterschool programming. Smaller class size, higher teacher:student ratio, and individual adaptations allow everyone the joy of swinging, spinning and stretching their physical capacity! 

Prerequisites: none. 

A white female bodied instructor seated on the ground supports a male bodied student suspended upside down in a knot tied in aerial silks.
Teen Aerial
3 tween aerial students perform on aerial sling, one leg wrapped in the sling and a second arm presents out to the side. The students are white, female bodied aerialists, one wears glasses, the other wears a long braid and the student in the front wears a short blonde haircut.
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Tuesday 6:00 - 7:25

(beginners welcome!) With Sonya

Friday 5 - 6:25

With Maia & Sam


It is never too late to start! Teen Aerial (13+) is a mixed level class and safe space for teens to challenge themselves. Working on silks, rope, trapeze and hoop students are presented appropriate opportunities and challenges to build strength and creativity.

Prerequisites: none. 


Sea Otter
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Wednesday 3:30 - 4:25

With Sonya


Sea Otter  (6-7 years) is the next step after Hummingbirds, challenging our youngest flyers who have mastered the basics and are hungry for more! Working on silks, hoop, rope and trapeze students continue to build strength through play.

Prerequisites: Climb on fabric, comfortably invert. 

A blonde male bodied student stands on a trapeze, holding the ropes with one hand and leaning out while looking at the camera.
Two students in galaxy print unitard laugh together while performing. One hangs upside down on an aerial sling, locked in place by her knee across the sling's fabric, while the other kneels on the gound and giggles.
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Tuesday 4:30- 5:55 PM, Maia

Wednesday 4:30 - 5:55, Sonya


Dolphin (7-9 years) challenges the young intermediate aerialists ready for more complicated sequences and difficult skills on  all apparatus. Safety and fun remain priorities as student begin to express themselves individually.

Prerequisites: Footlocks on fabric, straddle in the air.

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Wednesday 2:00 - 3:25

Thursday 6:00 - 7:25

With Sonya


Narwhal (10-12 years)  students have graduated from learning basic wraps, climbs, poses, and qualities of movement. A longer class time allows serious students to build confidence, strength and flexibility is developed through skills performed on silks, trapeze, hoop, and rope  at greater heights with longer sequences. Students also begin to develop skills to express their unique voice in performance.

Prerequisites: Comfortably Russian and French climb, invert, footlock. 

A ten year old female bodied student strikes a pose in the air on a purple aerial silk. The student wears glasses and a calm contented expression while pushing the fabric out to the side with their right hand.
A white female bodied student performs on pale blue aerial silks. She makes wings out of the fabric while suspended in a harness created out of the fabric.
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Friday 3:30 - 4:55, 

With Maia & Sam


Dolphin - Narwhal combines to allow a broader age range (7-12) of intermediate students to be challenged while still focusing on the joy of aerial play. Dolphin - Narwhal challenges the young intermediate aerialists ready for more complicated sequences and difficult skills on all apparatus. Safety and fun remain priorities as student begin to express themselves individually.

Prerequisites: Footlocks on fabric, straddle in the air.

Dolphin -Narwhal

Company Classes

Novice Co
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Monday 3:30 - 4:55 PM

With Sonya


The first in the series of Company classes, serious students are challenged to learn and create small pieces of choreography on aerial silks, trapeze, sling and lyra. A second class each week is recommended but not required.

 Prerequisites: Instructor Approval

Two female bodied aerial students perform the splits on aerial silks. The student in front is white and looks at her hands, while the African American student next to her smiles at the audience.
Jr. App Co
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Thursday 4:30 - 5:55 PM 

With Sonya


The Early Apprentice Company is the next step in company classes where students begin to experience the responsibility and reward of being part of a company. They train once a week on all apparatus, continuing to develop skills, choreography and individual performance presence. The Junior Apprentice company is central to end of year productions both as performers and behind the scenes.

Prerequisites: Instructor Approval

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Wednesday 6 - 7:25 PM 

With Sonya


The Apprentice Company is an opportunity for serious students, skilled in aerial artistry, strength, flexibility, and performance professionalism to experience the responsibility and reward of being part of a company. They train once a week on all apparatus, continuing to develop skills, choreography and individual performance presence. The apprentice company is central to end of year productions both as performers and behind the scenes.

Prerequisites: Instructor Approval

Two aerial students perform on aerial silks. Their bodies hang upside down, their right legs wrapped so that each performer can pull their foot in a back bend towards their head.
Performance Co
8 female bodied teenage students perform in duos on aerial hoop while one performs solo in the center of the stage. They wear bright and colorful long sleeve and long legged unitards in red, blue, and purple.
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Monday 5:00 - 6:55 PM

With Sonya


The Performance Company is the next step in company membership and artistic development. Students demonstrate technical and artistic excellence, both on the floor and in the air with multiple apparatus.  Students are expected to train twice a week, in the Performance Company class as well as a More Silk & Sling class or the Company Technique class. The Performance Company may audition for larger roles, creatively and technically, in the end of year productions.

 Prerequisites: Instructor Approval

Co Technique
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Friday 6:30-7:55

With Maia & Sam


Company members deepen skills on all apparatus - including aerial silks, trapeze, sling, and lyra to build strength, flexibility, and vocabulary for future creation. 


Prerequisites: Instructor approval

A white, blonde femal bodied teenager performs a dramatic pose on black aerial silks in a gold glittering leotard.

Adult Classes

Soar over 30
A white female bodied woman performs an arched bird's nest pose on a trapeze.
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Monday 7:00 - 8:15 PM

Friday 10:15 - 11:30 AM

With Sonya


SOAR (Simply Overcoming Aerial Resistance!) Have you always wanted to try, but think you aren't strong enough? This is the perfect class for you! Aimed for the 30+ crowd who can't do a pull up, we will build the strength you want, while you are distracted by the fun of flying!


Prerequisites: None 

T & A Open Gym
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Monday 2:00 - 3:15 PM

Thursday 1:30 - 3:15 PM

Saturday 12-2 PM

Time to practice!  This is a supervised open space to make up missed classes and review material learned in class at Ashland Aerial Arts. There will be NO INSTRUCTION, only safety supervision during this time. Experienced aerialists who would like to train may have access by contacting

Prerequisites: Current Student

Two white female bodied adult women perform a duo pose on trapeze.
A white female bodied woman spreads her arms and legs with her mouth open wide in an expression of joy. The woman wears a harness attached to a bungee cable on each hip that suspends her in the air.
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With Sonya


Underwater? On the Moon? In a Johnny Jump Up? Bungee can take you there! Three weeks of bouncing fun, and the chance to learn a hilarious, seasonally appropriate bit of bungee choreography.

$55/$20 Drop-in

Prerequisites: None

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